st agatha's statue
St. Agatha's
  Crypt, Catacombs & Museum



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Ktejjeb bil-Malti - Dan jista' jintuża bħala ktejjeb waqt żjara fil-Katakombi ta' Sant' Agata, r-Rabat, Malta. Huwa l-iktar immirat lejn l-aħħar snin tal-iskola primarja, kif ukoll l-ewwel snin tal-iskola sekondarja.

Meta tipprintja, ara li il-marġins ikunu wesgħin biżżejjed, biex il-kliem kollu jiġi jidher fuq il-karta.

Agħfas HAWN biex tniżżel id-dokument.



Booklet in English - This booklet is especially created for students at the last years of the primary school and the early years of the secondary school.

When you are going to print the document, make sure that from the printer properties, the margins are set as wide as possible (A4). This will prevent text from being left out when the document is printed.

Click HERE to download the document.


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